Our Lady of the Rosary of Pompeii Church is located at 225 Seigel St., Brooklyn NY 11206, telephone 718-497-0614. For Mass schedules, see the link underlined in the previous sentence. The Pallottine Order of Priests and Brothers, S.A.C., or Società dell'Apostolato Cattolico, staff this parish. On the more general website of the Pallottines is a page describing the parish.
A decorative plaza faces the church door. An office and instructional rooms are to the left, along Seigel Street. The cornerstone, visible above, is dated 1902. At that time, the parish was almost entirely Italian. The principal languages now seem to be English and Spanish.
In the distant past, the church was a rope factory, an elongated building needed for the shipping industry.
For decades, the neighborhood has been more Latin American than Italian, so it is appropriate that Vincenzo Pallotti is honored with his baptismal name in Spanish. As he lived 1795-1850, he predates the devotion to Our Lady of Pompeii. A brief history of the work he founded is linked here. But who is Herr Seigel?